Things To Remember When Signing Up For A Medicare Advantage Plan

Medicare Advantage plans are a popular option for seniors looking to cover their healthcare expenses. These plans offer robust benefits and comprehensive coverage. But before signing up for one, it’s important to understand exactly what you’ll be getting. So here are some things to keep in mind when considering these types of plans:

Find Out What Prescription Drugs Are Covered

When you’re signing up for a Medicare Advantage plan, make sure you find out what prescription drugs are covered. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the different options, so make sure that you take a step back and look at the big picture: what kind of coverage do I really need?

The most important thing to consider when choosing a plan is whether or not it covers your prescriptions. If you’re on medication for a chronic condition, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, then this is an essential part of any health insurance policy—and one that should be considered first and foremost when choosing between plans.

Decide If You Want To Pay For More Benefits

When you’re shopping for a Medicare Advantage plan, there are a lot of different benefits to consider. Most plans offer prescription drug coverage, but some also cover hearing aids and glasses. Some plans even cover gym memberships and transportation to medical appointments.

But just because something is available doesn’t mean you need it—and if you do decide that the extra benefits are worth paying for, it’s important not only to understand what they are but also how much they’ll cost (since higher premiums often translate into higher out-of-pocket costs).

The good news is that many extra benefits come at no additional cost. These “free” extras include gym memberships; transportation to medical appointments; and a variety of wellness screenings (such as annual flu shots).

Read The Plan Brochure Carefully

The Medicare Advantage Plan brochure is a good place to start when you’re thinking about signing up. It explains what Medicare Advantage is and how it works. It also lists the services that are covered by your plan, such as hospital care, doctor visits and prescription drugs.

Check that the plan covers any services or items that you need, like durable medical equipment (like wheelchairs), home health care or outpatient treatment for mental illness or alcoholism. If you have a chronic disease like diabetes or cancer, look for information about how much coverage there is for managing your condition on an ongoing basis (including medications).

You may also want to check whether there’s a co-pay or co-insurance fee associated with certain services—this means you’ll have to pay part of their cost yourself rather than having most of it covered by your insurance company.


Even though Medicare Advantage Plans are a great way to get more out of your health insurance, it’s important to read through all the details before signing up. You can save yourself a lot of trouble later on by asking questions and making sure that everything is clear before you agree to pay premiums each month.